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Oxford Park Commission

                                                                City of Oxford

                                                   Request for Proposal

                         Agreement for Oxford City Pool Concession Operations

The City of Oxford Park Commission is accepting proposals for the operation of the City Pool Concession for a minimum 6-month period starting on May 1, 2025. The parties may agree on an earlier start date. The Agreement will be made between the City of Oxford Park Commission and a vendor to be determined for the operation of the Oxford City Pool Concession Operations located at #96 Washington Avenue, Oxford, Mississippi. Interested individuals or organizations may include any additional services that they would like to offer as part of their RFP.

It is the intent of the City of Oxford Park Commission to accept proposals from interested individuals and organizations for the operation of the Pool Concession. Interested individuals or organizations shall contact the City of Oxford Park Commission, 400 Price Street Oxford, Mississippi, (662) 232-2380 or a copy of the Request for Proposal. Proposals are due on or before February 5, 2025 by 5 p.m. 

rfp for pool concession announcement.pdf

Section I. General Information

A. Introduction

The City of Oxford Park Commission is accepting proposals for the operation of the Oxford City Pool Concession for a 6-month period starting on May 1, 2025. The Agreement will be made between the City of Oxford Park Commission and a vendor to be determined for the operation of the Oxford City Pool Concession located on Washington Avenue, Oxford, Mississippi.

B. Intent

It is the intent of the City of Oxford Park Commission to accept proposals from interested individuals and organizations for the operation of the City Pool Concessions. The management agreement will include the operation of the concession facility. The facility is open every day from Memorial Day through August 1, and every weekend as long as the weather allows.
Vendors who are interested in submitting a quote are strongly urged to contact Seth Gaines to request a layout of the new facility. ([email protected])

C. Description of the City Pool Concession Facilities

The concession operation at City Pool includes the following management components:

Food Concessions

Food preparation / service and required storage of inventory.

Swimming Goods Shop

Apparel and accessories offered in the shop will be representative of the needs of the buyer who uses the


D. Vendor Responsibility

The facility must be open for business at all times that are so designated in the Concession Operation Agreement. The Vendor shall be responsible for all services indicated under description of Agreement in this Proposal including staffing, ordering, pricing, preparation and distribution of food and soft good products, and merchandise sales.

The vendor shall be responsible for maintaining a clean and sanitary operation at all times in all locations. Cleanup shall include the Concessions, windows and serving counters. Cleanup shall include the pick up and removal of all trash, debris and spills, wiping all tables and counter tops. All debris shall be removed from all receptacles daily, and disposed of every evening in properly designated areas. The city will secure scavenger service to remove bagged trash from the site.

The vendor will be responsible for hiring, training, scheduling, and evaluating all personnel associated with the operation of the facility. Employees of the vendor shall not be considered employees of the City of Oxford. The vendor shall be considered an independent contractor of the City of Oxford.

E. Local, State and National Laws

All applicable codes, laws, ordinances and regulations from the City of Oxford, State of Mississippi and the Federal Government including, but not limited to, health and sanitation, age, minimum wage, worker’s compensation, OSHA, sales tax, and equal opportunity must be adhered to. The Vendor shall be responsible for all sales taxes and real estate taxes arising from the Agreement, whether due and owing, during the term of the Agreement or subsequent thereto.

The Vendor shall, at its sole cost and obligation, be responsible for obtaining all permits required to operate the facility.

F. Equipment

The City of Oxford will make the existing equipment available for the facility operation. While that equipment will be made available to the Vendor, the City of Oxford Park Commission will take no responsibility for the condition or repair of any equipment brought into the facility by the Vendor. The Park Commission intends to purchase coolers for drinks, a deep freeze for frozen items, and shelves to store any unused items. All equipment shall be clean and in good working condition at the conclusion of the Agreement. Any additional equipment deemed necessary for efficient operation of the facility must be purchased at the expense of the Vendor.

2G. Utilities, Waste Removal and Telephone

The City of Oxford will provide refuse disposal for the entire facility. Utility costs will be the responsibility of the Oxford Park Commission. Telephone expense will not be provided by the City of Oxford.

H. Insurance

The successful Vendor will be required to provide insurance in types and amounts acceptable to the City of Oxford. Additional specific requirements pertaining to insurance indemnity will be included in the Operating Agreement with the Vendor.

I. Background and Experience

Included in each proposal must be background information and experience of the individuals involved in the concession operation and on the company, if applicable.

J. Standard of Performance

The Vendor operation at the Oxford City Pool Concession is an integral part of the City of Oxford Park Commission program. As such, it is expected that this operation will be conducted in a first-class manner that is representative of the highest standards for goods and concession operations. In performing this function, it is expected that any recommendation for improvements will be directed to the owner for action. Staff is expected to look neat and wear an identifiable uniform during working hours.

K. Submittal of Proposal

Proposals for the operation of the Oxford City Pool Concession Facilities are to be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside of the envelope “Oxford City Pool Concession Agreement Proposal”. Proposals are due on or before February 4, 2025, to:

City of Oxford Park Commission

c/o Seth Gaines

400 Price Street

Oxford, MS 38655

Section II. Obligations

A. Invitation to Submit Proposals, Obligations

The RFP is only an invitation to submit proposals and does not commit the city in any way to enter into a management agreement. In addition, the issuance of this RFP does not obligate the City to pay any costs incurred by any potential City Pool concession vendors in connection with 1) the preparation of a response to this request;

2) any supplements or modifications to this RFP; or
3) negotiations with the City or other parties related to this RFP.

B. Reservation of Rights by City

The City expressly reserves the right at any one time and from time to time, for its own convenience and

without notice, to do any or all of the following:

1. Waive or correct any defect or technical error in any response, proposals, or proposal procedures, as

part of the RFP or any subsequent negotiation process.

2. Reject any and all proposals, with or without cause, and without obligation to indicate any reasons

for such rejection.

3. Reissue to RFP.

4. 5. Modify, add other services, or delete services.

Modify the selection procedure, the scope of the proposed project, minimum requirements, or the

required responses.

6. Extend deadlines for accepting responses, requesting amendments to responses after expiration of

deadline or negotiating or approving final agreements.

7. Negotiate with any, all or none of the potential pool concession vendors.

8. Vary, or depart from any other provision of this RFP.

C. Proposal Form

Proposals shall be made on the proper form, Attachment A, “Proposal Form”, issued by the City as part of these documents.

D. Proposal Signature

All proposals shall give prices proposed and shall be signed by an authorized representative, with the potential City Pool Concession Vendor’s address and telephone information on the spaces provided. If the proposal is made by an individual, the name, signature and mailing address must be provided; if made by a firm or partnership, the name and mailing address of the firm or partnership and the signature of at least one of the general partners must be provided; if made by a corporation, the proposal shall show the title of the person who is signing on behalf of the corporation. The City reserves the right to request documentation showing the authority of the individual signing the proposal to execute contracts on behalf of anyone, or any corporation, other than him/herself. Refusal to provide such information upon request may cause the proposal to be rejected as non-responsive.

Section III. Modification and Withdrawal

A. Modification of Proposal

Modification of a proposal already received will be considered only if the request is received prior to the time announced for submitting proposals. All modifications shall be made in writing, executed and submitted in the same form and manner as the original proposal.

B. Interpretation or Clarification of the RFP Documents

No oral interpretation or clarification will be made to any potential vendor of the City Pool Concession as to meaning of the RFP documents. Requests for interpretation/clarification shall be made in writing and delivered to Seth Gaines, Executive Director of the Oxford Park Commission at the address indicated on page three (3) of this document. Any interpretation deemed necessary by the City will be in the form of an addendum to the RFP documents, and when issued, will be sent to all parties to whom the RFP documents have been issued. All such addenda shall become part of the RFP.

                                                                                                 C. Withdrawal Due to Error

No consideration will be given by the city to allow proposals to be withdrawn due to claims of error, unless written notice of such claim and supporting evidence for such claim are delivered to the city within 48 hours after the date and time the proposals are due.

D. Proposal

The proposal price shall include everything necessary for the complete implementation and performance of the Contract including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, equipment, management tools, labor, and service, except as may be provided otherwise in the RFP documents. The proposal shall remain open to acceptance by the City until February 4, 2025. A copy of the Operating Agreement for the Oxford City Pool Concession, which the Vendor will be required to execute, will be negotiated, drafted and provided upon acceptance of the proposal.

Section IV. Proposal Disposition

A. Rejection of Proposals

The City reserves the right to reject any proposal for any reason including, but not limited to, the following:

1) Any proposal that is incomplete, non-responsive, obscure, irregular or lacking necessary detail and


2) Any proposal that omits a price on any item on the Proposal Submittal Form.

3) Any proposal accompanied by insufficient or irregular proposal guarantee.

4) Any proposal submitted from individuals who lack the qualifications and/or responsibility necessary to perform the work properly.

5) Any proposal that neglects to complete and submit information within the time specified by the City and as may otherwise be required herein.

B. Responsibility of Potential Vendors

The City will consider all material submitted by each potential vendor to determine whether the potential

vendor is capable and has a successful history of completing contracts of this type.

The following elements will be given consideration by the City in determining the ability of the potential

vendor to complete the rigors of the contract:

1) Ability, resources and skill to perform the contract and provide the service required within the timeframe


2) Quality of performances in previous or similar contracts.

3) Other information as may be needed or secured to determine the capability of the potential contractor.

C. Pricing of Services

The city will approve fees, programs and events to be implemented at the facility. These rights also include

fees as they relate to food and beverages to be sold at the facility.

Later requests for any fee change will be submitted, in writing, to the Executive Director of the Park

Commission for review and potential submittal to the OPC Board for final review and approval within the

desired timetable established by the Executive Director of the Oxford Park Commission.

D. Termination for Convenience or Default

The city may terminate this Agreement, in whole or part, at any time by written notices to the Pool

Concession Vendor with a 60-day written notice for such action. The Agreement will terminate upon the

following events:

1. Normal termination if not renewed.

2. Mutual written consent.

3. Written notice by the city for causes which may include but are not limited to:

a. Physical disability of the vendor which substantially prevents the vendor from

performing the duties of facility management for a continuous period of one (1) or more

months for an aggregate of three (3) months each calendar year.

b. Continuing inattention or neglect of duties.

c. Conviction of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or felony.

d. Major damage or destruction of the Oxford City Pool property and equipment that is the

subject of this Agreement.

In the event of termination of this Agreement by reason of death, the vendor shall be paid his compensation to

and including the month of death, or in the event of disability, shall be paid to the last day of the month in

which termination occurs.

Termination shall be affected by serving a Notice of Termination by certified mail (return receipt requested) or

by personal delivery.

Requests for Additional Information and Facility Tours

Any and all questions and arrangements for a tour of the facilities are to be directed to:

Seth Gaines

Executive Director

Oxford Park Commission

400 Price Street

Oxford, Mississippi 38655


F. Selection

The Oxford Park Commission Board and its designated representatives will evaluate each proposal and

determine which proposal, if any, provides the best service and return. The Park Commission Board reserves

the right to reject any and all proposals or waive technicalities to the proposal in the best interest of the city.

Section V. Insurance

A. Insurance Requirements

1) The vendor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance against claims for

injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of

the work hereunder by the vendor, his agents, representatives, or employees or sub contractors. The

vendor shall pay the costs of such insurance.

2) OPC and the City of Oxford will be added as additionally insured by the selected vendor.

3) Selected vendor will be able to show proof of employee’s workers comp insurance.

Section VI. Evaluation

A. Evaluation of Proposals

4) review committee will evaluate proposals. When evaluating the proposals, the city will employ a criteria

evaluation process. Evaluations will be based on criteria as outlined herein, which may be weighed by the

City in a manner it deems appropriate. All proposals will be evaluated using the same criteria.

B. Minimum Qualifications

In order to qualify for consideration in the award to this management agreement, a responding firm or

individual must:

1) Demonstrate a necessary credit line of $25,000 or financial resources to operate the city pool concession

during the contract period.

2) Demonstrate a competent record of employment history of contract services as verified and supported by

references, letters, and other necessary evidence from employers, and/or public agencies.

3) proof of competency in the following areas:

• Bookkeeping

• Salesmanship-products, goods and services

• Personnel Management-guidance, training, promotion, performance evaluation.

• Extraordinary Customer Service

C. Criteria for Consideration

1) Able to accept the terms of this Agreement for a period of 6 months.

2) Work with the designated representative of the Oxford Park Commission as a partner to provide a broad array of services and concessions to the Oxford City Pool.

3) Changes to or substitution of the existing equipment will be provided at the cost of the vendor.

4) Determine and adhere to a schedule for times the vendor needs to be on site to oversee operations.

5) Must have Concessions open and manned during all programed activity at the Oxford City Pool. It is the responsibility of the vendor to ask and make sure of any programming not on the schedule to be given to them.

6) Provide the owner with performance reports that accurately report existing performance with previous performance.

Section VII Proposal Submittals

A. Proposal Inclusions:

1) Service Programs: A narrative description of all services contemplated.

2) Proposed Price List: A list of any and all suggested first year prices, fees, and charges for all

contemplated goods and services to be sold or provided. The city pool concession merchandise price list may be presented in a price-range format. Statement of qualifications including any unique expertise or experience and resumes of key personnel.

Business References: A minimum of three (3) business references with the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and the nature and length of the business association in each instance. These references must be business contacts you have had a relationship with in the last four years.

Proof of Insurability: The ability to acquire a Certificate of Insurance as discussed earlier.

B. Request for Statement of Approach

Generally, describe the potential vendor’s management philosophy and specifically describe your

approach to managing the components outlined for the project.

Provide a statement of how your organization plans to manage all areas under your control. If you use

demonstrated standards for each area, please describe them.

C. Request for Capital Improvements and Preventive Maintenance

The Oxford Park Commission plans to protect its investment by maintaining a sufficient level of annual

preventive maintenance. This includes building repairs and renovations. Any capital improvement

suggestions by the potential city pool concession vendor will be considered during the negotiating phase.

All improvements will be made under the City’s management and supervision. All improvements belong to

the city. Further improvements will not be discussed with the City after the initiation of the term agreement.

D. Oxford City Pool Contract Expectation and Other RFP Requirements

1) All utility payments for the facility will be paid by the city.

2) All assets of the City of Oxford pool will be videotaped prior to the contractor starting the management contract to ensure agreed condition of assets. At the end of the contract, all assets must be at the same

3) level of condition or greater, normal wear and tear expected. The city will assess damages to the contractor for any above normal wear. If a contractor is selected for a final interview, the interviewers will review examples of pool. 

A list of vendors must be submitted to the city merchandise and soft goods to be sold in the concession. At the time of the interview.

The operating hours of the facility are governed by The Oxford Park Commission.

E. Fee Proposals

The Oxford Park Commission seeks a concession management fee proposal. The city will expect each

proposal to outline the fee structure to be paid to the Oxford Park Commission, percentage of gross

revenue, excluding sales tax, for the services they will perform.

The following shall be included in the proposals:

Financial remuneration to the OPC for each revenue unit under their management control.

(a) Goods

(b) Food and beverage

Alternative proposals based on the gross, guaranteed payment, or a combination thereof, will be

considered by the Oxford Park Commission under the conditions provided herein.

Section VIII Selection

 A. Selection Process Date

The Oxford Park Commission selection process will be as follows:

1. Disbursement of RFP’s November 25, 2025

2. RFP’s Due to OPC February 4, 2025

3. Interview the selected firms if needed February 10-14, 2025

4. Negotiate Agreement with top finalist February 24 - March 7, 2025

5. Initiate contract March 12, 2025

6. Latest date to open Pro Shop for business Memorial Day 2025

B. Selection Criteria

The criteria to be used by the city when evaluating the proposals will include, but not be limited to, the


1) Professional abilities of the potential contractor

2) Demonstrated management performance

3) Financial aggressiveness of the proposal in terms of payment to the City

4) Level of relevant and similar management experience

5) Performance standards and evaluation methods


Oxford Park Commission

400 Price Street 
Oxford, Mississippi 38655

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 662-232-2380

Contact Us

Oxford Park Commission

400 Price Street 
Oxford, Mississippi 38655

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 662-232-2380

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